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King's Blood | Debut Novel - Daniel Geisel

King's Blood | Debut Novel - Daniel Geisel

In his debut novel, Daniel Geisel presents David the Shepherd boy in a unique light.

It is unlike any other that you have read about David's rise to the throne and the turmoil that ensued as the hand of The Lord is revealed in David's life vs the demise of Saul as he succumbs to self-doubt, disdain for David, and evil.

Quote - As David readies himself against Goliath - "The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them, . . . "

Debut novel | Daniel Geisel

King David - through the eyes of a former Marine Sgt

Often the story is told of a giant and small boy - with barely enough strength and fortitude to stand before the wicked giant. But Dan Geisel tells it in the Biblical sense.

David, although a shepherd, is experienced with challenges from life that far exceed his size and age. Having killed predators that wanted his flock. David understood the need to rely on Yahweh and not on himself. Also, understanding that the giant (Goliath) taunts his fellow Hebrews and the nation of Israel and most important taunts his Lord - David stands in the gap when the others (including King Saul) hid as cowards under their own strength but David stood when the others bowed to the enemy, not with his strength but the power of his God - Jehovah -

The story is told through the eyes of a man that experienced battle, understands the Biblical account of David, and the love of a father/husband.

With all of this stated; - you will laugh, cry, and get chills as you experience life along with David - and laugh I did when David thought "Is this married life?" concerning a statement Michal (his wife and Saul's daughter) says on their wedding night.

The character development is excellent, detailed, and needed as David grows from a shepherd to the throne as king. Experience David, the shepherd to king through the eyes of a Biblical student, dad/husband, and former soldier.

The book is available via Kindle (Unlimited), Audio, and Paperback.

Be a light - in a world that needs direction.

Be a light - in a world that needs direction.

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