

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

Never give up!

No doubt some parents will feel like bashing their head against the wall over the next few months of school, and their child(ren) will retreat into 'not caring' based on school work, grades, etc.

Years ago - actually, many, many years ago, I was one of those teen boys who made the top 90% possible in math. However, due to a mom who didn't give up and teachers who cared enough, I not only made it through high school but also went on to college and later earned a Doctorate.

I doubt I will ever forget the two teachers that impacted my life - A Math teacher and an English teacher. There were others who impacted my life, but these two will never be forgotten by me.

I was in eighth grade and failing math (all I wanted to do was stare out the window, draw cartoon characters, and dream); my mom went to my math teacher asking what could be done. The suggestion - take extra math during study hall. (put this into perspective - when I was told that I was to take a class twice a day when I wasn't doing well in the first place (and actually hated it) - you can imagine my reaction)

Neither my mom nor my math teacher gave up on me - If you would have told any of us that years later, I would write computer code, excel using Excel (guru status), and more using creative analysis, you might have been tested for drugs.

An English teacher introduced reading and how the love of reading and learning will shape a life. Decades later and after thousands of books read, I can state, "I am forever grateful!" to teachers that care, work hard, and never give up on their students.

Never give up! - Life is tough, and we all need to encourage one another - plant seeds in the lives of others, knowing that the fruit might not arrive for years later.

1440 Minutes per day - use them wisely

1440 Minutes per day - use them wisely

I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!