

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

Valentine's Day Memory 42nd year anniversary

Friday, Feb. 14, 2020, is the 42nd anniversary of when we got engaged (maybe we will get married one-day :D - just kiddin' we married 42 years ago Oct 14, 1978) | Where has the time gone? We were just kids | We were clueless | It has been a wild rid…

Friday, Feb. 14, 2020, is the 42nd anniversary of when we got engaged (maybe we will get married one-day :D - just kiddin' we married 42 years ago Oct 14, 1978) | Where has the time gone? We were just kids | We were clueless | It has been a wild ride - the things that we have done together - wow! From raising girls to having six grandchildren to multiple businesses - real estate (rehabs and more) to writing a book together -

What I learned in 42 years of being with the greatest help-meet (Gen 2:18) (I am far from an expert [I know at least one person that will give me an Amen :d] - I can tell you what not to do (large list here) and outline what God says:)

1. God must be first (Matthew 6:33)
2. With God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27)
3. God must be the center of marriage (ECCL 4:12)
4. Cannot do this alone - read - study - attend workshops (Pr 15:22)
5. Spouse after God before everything else (Genesis 2:24 - Eph 5:25) (Too often men state their family is the most important but spend time away from spouse and family - I read this in a book)
6. Care for her (1 Tim 5:8 - Col 3:19 - 1 Peter 3:7)
7. Put words into action - easy to say I love you but - action speaks volumes (1 Corinthians 13:13 - Charity (outward expression of love)

There are more but seven is where we stop today - for it is the number of perfection - God rested on the seventh day - (plus, I need to have something to write on other days :D )

ps - You must learn to laugh | (if you know me - I look for ways to bring humor into many situations - but it does get me in trouble at times :P )
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)

Best Advice Book

Life is a journey | Love | Make it with your best friend!