

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

Face it - Embrace it - Chase it

Face it - Embrace it - Chase it

Face it: Don’t run away from your challenges or fears. Confront them with courage and confidence. You have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Embrace it: Don’t resist or reject your reality or feelings. Accept them with grace and gratitude. You have the opportunity to grow and learn from every experience that life gives you.

Chase it: Don’t settle for less or give up on your dreams. Pursue them with passion and persistence. You have the potential to achieve anything that you set your mind to.

National Leadership Day & John C. Maxwell's Birthday!

You were born to win!

You were born to win!