

Welcome to my site! I am the author or Two are better than One - Don’t do this thing called life alone! | With over forty years of experience in corporate America and multiple decades of photography experience, I write about life, inspiration, photography, and personal growth. Enjoy your stay!

National Leadership Day & John C. Maxwell's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to one of the greatest mentor’s ever

Dr. John C. Maxwell - Leadership Guru and more

At 77, he is going strong and creating leaders!

I remember the first book that I read of John’s and its impact on my life and journey as a leader.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You

The Law of Growth: Effective leaders are committed to continuous growth and improvement. They prioritize personal and professional development, setting an example for others to follow. As they strive to become better versions of themselves, they inspire those around them to do the same.


Everything rises and falls on leadership.
— John C. Maxwell

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Face it - Embrace it - Chase it

Face it - Embrace it - Chase it